

What is Direct Public Access?

Any individual or company can now go directly to a barrister without having to involve a solicitor or another intermediary. The barrister's role remains essentially the same as when they are approached by a solicitor or another intermediary.

Working directly for you, our barristers can:

  • advise you on the merits of your claim or defence;

  • review contracts and other legal documents;

  • draft legal documents such as letters before action, particulars of claim, defences, requests for further information, Part 36 offers, skeleton arguments, court orders and cost budgets;

  • represent you in court at trial and at hearings (examples of court hearings our barristers attend can be found here)

  • represent you in tribunals, mediations or negotiations;

  • undertake legal research;

  • advise you on your legal status or rights.
Further information about how the direct public access scheme is governed can be found on the Bar Standards Board Website.

How does it work?

You can instruct one of our barristers in two different ways:

  • By arranging a face-to-face meeting (in person or online) or a telephone meeting with a barrister for legal advice on your case or legal matter.

  • By providing written instructions setting out what you require the barrister to do.

Please contact us for more information.