


The United Kingdom List of Approved Ship Recycling Facilities

The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has recently published the United Kingdom list of approved ship recycling facilities (“the UK List”) in the Annex to Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 656 (M+F) (accessible here) .

The UK Ship Recycling Regulations, as amended, (discussed here) require the Secretary of State (fulfilled by the MCA) to publish and maintain a list of ship recycling facilities which:

  • are located in the United Kingdom and have been authorised in accordance with Article 14 of the retained EU Ship Recycling Regulation 1257/2013 (accessible here);
  • are located outside the United Kingdom and whose inclusion is based on an assessment of the information and supporting evidence provided or gathered in accordance with Article 16 (2) and (3) of retained the EU Ship Recycling Regulation 1257/2013.
The UK List is therefore divided into two parts:
  • Facilities under (A) above are presented in Part A of the Annex.
  • Facilities under (B) above are presented in Part B of the Annex.
Both Part A and Part B of the UK List provide:
  • The name of the facility.
  • The method of recycling.
  • The type and size of ships that can be recycled.
  • The limitations and conditions under which the ship recycling facility operates, including as regards hazardous waste management.
  • Details on the explicit or tacit procedure for the approval of the ship recycling plan by the competent authority.
  • The maximum annual ship recycling output, calculated as the sum of the weight of ships expressed in light displacement (LDT) that have been recycled in a given year in that facility.
  • The date of expiry of inclusion in the UK List.